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"He is an amazing tutor that has helped me comprehend gcse level maths further than any standard I would previously set myself. He has helped me throughout the year to strengthen and build on my knowledge through our consistent lessons. Furthermore, this tutor had a flexible timetable and always made time for any extra lessons we had or would swiftly answer any questions I would have through email. He also provided me with many revision resources! With this tutor I went from having a grade 6 at the beginning of the year to having a high grade 8 in maths at the end of my gcses. Very thankful for the help and support he has given me throughout the year!"

M, Year 11 student

GCSE Maths and Science Tutor


Expert GCSE Maths and Science 

Tutoring - Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam board covered


I graduated from one of the top universities in UK - University College London (UCL).


Excellent results with students achieving top grades and receiving offers from range of impressive colleges and universities.

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